For Village Residents 55+ and Village Senior Center Members:
Our Village Senior Center is open to Village residents 55 years and up and is free to join! It is a warm and welcoming community of members. Our Center offers homemade lunches, exercise classes, parties, activities like bingo, line dancing, Mah-Jongg and so much more. For more information, please feel free to call the Center at 518-869-7172.
Delicious homemade lunches are available for our Village residents and Senior Center Members. Dine-in meals are $6 each, take-out meals are $7 each, cash & checks are accepted. To pick up a take-out meal, you must come into the building for pick up. Parking for the Senior Center is located behind Village Hall in front of the main Senior Center Entrance. To order a lunch, you MUST CALL AHEAD At 518-869-7172! Menus and order tickets are released monthly, you can order and pay up to a week in advance! If you are shut in and can’t leave your home, we can arrange for accommodations. If you have any questions, please call 518-869-7172. Please click the blue button below to see the current menu, order tickets and activity calendar.
The Village of Colonie Senior Citizens Center first opened its doors to the public on Mother’s Day, 1966. It was the first such center organized in the Town of Colonie. The idea for a center for the exclusive use of senior residents of the Village was conceived by Mayor Bill Cook and Edward Skinner. They decided to use a house which had been donated to the Village of Colonie and moved to the Village municipal property. By 1978, the house had become too small for the more than sixty members of the center to conduct their meetings and activities. The seniors has opted to have their monthly meetings at the Village Hall and to conduct special classes and parties at the Colonie Community Center. A solution has to be found, through, so that all activities could be held under one roof. Finally, with the help of H.U.D. funding, an addition was built to the rear of the Village Hall. Opening day for the newly-named Herbert B. Kuhn Senior Citizens Center was September 27, 1981. A more spacious and modern facility was finally a reality. After eight years of operation, on September 24, 1989, the Center was again expanded to accommodate a growing population of active Village seniors. Anne Joachim, served as Senior Citizens Director for the first 25 years of the Center and helped it grow thorough its infancy. Anne retired in 1991 and Joan Leak, a life-long community resident, became Director in June, of 1991. Under Joan’s able leadership, the Senior Citizens Center continued to be a strong focus for its many members.
Contact Information

Meet the Senior Citizens Center Staff
Chrissy LanzaSenior Center Director
Holly MartiniFood Service Director
Ginny RitzAdministrative Assistant
Senior Center StaffSenior Citizens Center

Chrissy Lanza
Contact Information
Chrissy Lanza has been the Senior Center Director since August of 2014. Prior to her position as Director, Chrissy was a recreation assistant and food service helper in the senior kitchen. Chrissy has been a Village employee since November of 2009. Chrissy oversees the entire HBK Senior Center and its participants. Chrissy is in charge of organizing programs and classes, as well as many other administrative tasks.

Holly Martini
Contact Information
Holly Martini has been with the Village of Colonie since May of 2014. She directs the senior kitchen staff on all food services for the Senior Center. Holly is also one of the main cooks for the Senior Center. Holly also helps the Director with many administrative tasks.

Ginny Ritz
Contact Information

Senior Center Staff
From Left: Mike Martini (Chef), Holly Martini (Food Service Director), Chrissy Lanza (Senior Center Director), Ginny Ritz (Administrative Assistant) & Joan Rueckert (Outreach Worker)