Village Board

Meetings held the first and third Monday of the month.
6 :30 p.m at Village Hall

Mayor and Board of Trustees:

James M. Rubino, Mayor
Patty Schwarz Lockart, Deputy Mayor
Frank A. Prevratil, Village Trustee

Jason M. DePaulo, Village Trustee
Mark P. Stevens, Village Trustee

Planning Commission

Meetings held the first and third Tuesday of the month.
6:30 p.m. at Village Hall

Planning Commission Committee Members:

Chris Dennis, Chairman
Alison Curran
Kenny Hart
Brittany Kendall
John Lemperle
John Martin

Jim Splonskowski
Carl Kuentzel, Alternate
Ronald J Laberge, Village Engineer
Victor Caponera, Jr. Esq., Legal Counsel
Joan Rueckert, Planning Coordinator
Frank Prevratil, Village Board Liaison

Zoning Board of Appeals

Meetings held first Wednesday of the month.
6:30 p.m. at Village Hall

Zoning Board Members:

Phil Minissale, Chairman
Les Decker
Christopher Larrabee
Trevor Normandin
Joshua Rowinski

Ginny Ritz, Alternate
Victor Caponera, Jr. Esq., Legal Counsel
Stacie Douglas, Zoning Coordinator
Mark Stevens, Village Board Liaison

Traffic Advisory Committee

Meetings held second Thursday of the month.
6:30 p.m. at Village Hall, as needed.

Traffic Advisory Committee Members:

Kevin France, Chairman
John Dombrowski
George Lashoff
John Lemperle

Michael Normandin
Les Samiof
Hannah Curran, Coordinator
Frank Prevratil, Village Board Liaison

Sign Review Board

Meetings held fourth Thursday of the month.
6:30 p.m. at Village Hall

Sign Review Board Members:

Bill Levy, Chairman
Cynthia Calabrese
Krysta Dennis
Ann Paro
Marisa White

Diana Kuentzel, Alternate
Victor Caponera Jr. Esq., Legal Counsel 
Christina Secor, Coordinator
Jason DePaulo, Village Board Liaison

Senior Citizens

Meetings scheduled first Tuesday of the month.
10:00 a.m.

Senior Citizens Members:

Chrissy Lanza, Recreation Leader

Youth Commission

Meetings When Scheduled