Easter Parade
Mar 24 @ 10:00 am

It’s time for the Village Easter Parade! The Easter Bunny and helpers will be hopping on through the Village on Saturday, March 23rd and Sunday, March 24th. Our parade visits each residential street in the Village over the course of the weekend. The Easter Bunny and his friends, along with the Mayor and the Trustees will have a treat for all little Villagers. We hope to see you out and about hopping around!
If you are new to the Village or have new family members for the Easter Bunny to greet, keep an ear out for the music truck playing Easter tunes. When you hear it, that means the Easter Bunny is close by! Grab your shoes, sweatshirts, and head outside!
Brush Pick-Up Begins
Mar 25 all-day

Leaf & Brush Pick-Up begins. Please remember:

  1. There is no set day for leaf/brush pickup. It is done on a continual rotation around the Village starting in the spring and ending in the fall.
  2. Put leaves/grass clippings in brown recycling bags or labeled barrels ONLY, not to exceed 40lbs. Do not use plastic bags or boxes. NO ROCKS, GARBAGE, SOD OR PLASTIC MAY BE PLACED IN THE LEAF BAGS.
  3. Branches must be cut in lengths of 4ft or less and securely tied with strings in bundles not to exceed 40lbs. The diameter of the branches to be bundled MUST BE 3 INCHES OR LESS.

If you have any questions, please call the Department of Public Works, Monday through Friday, 7am to 3:30pm at 518-869-6372.

Village Sign Review Board @ Village Hall
Mar 28 @ 6:30 pm
Village Sign Review Board @ Village Hall

The Sign Review Board is made up of a 5 member Board of Village residents. The purpose of this Board is to provide a process by which special exemption sign permits may be issued consistent with the intent of the special exemption sign permit regulations set forth in the Village of Colonie Code book. The Board hears any appeals on questions of alleged error in any order or determination of the Building Department involving the interpretation of the provisions of the Village of Colonie Code.

Happy Easter
Mar 31 all-day
Happy Easter

Happy Easter to you and your families from the Village of Colonie!

April Fool’s Day
Apr 1 all-day
April Water Bills Mailed
Apr 1 all-day

April Water Bills will be mailed on April 1 and are due by May 15.

If you have any questions regarding your bill, please call the Village Hall at 518-869-7562.

Annual Meeting @ Village Hall
Apr 1 @ 5:00 pm
Annual Meeting @ Village Hall

The Mayor and Board of Trustees will hold an Annual Meeting.

All are welcome to attend.

Village Board Meeting
Apr 1 @ 5:00 pm
Village Board Meeting @ Albany | New York | United States

The Mayor and the Board of Trustees meet to go over Village issues, policies, local laws and resident input. All are welcome to attend.


Planning Commission Meeting @ Village Hall
Apr 2 @ 6:30 pm

The Village of Colonie Planning Commission is made up of a 7 member Commission of Village residents. The Planning Commission is the authorizing body and empowered to approve all plans, plots and plats of any subdivision of lands showing lots, blocks or site, with or without new streets or highways in the Village of Colonie. The Commission is responsible for approving or disproving any new owners and tenants within the Village and to preserve the health, safety and welfare of the community.

Village Zoning Board of Appeals @ Village Hall
Apr 3 @ 7:00 pm

The Zoning Board of Appeals is made up of a 5 member Board of Village residents. The Zoning Board of Appeals is the authorizing body to determine whether to grant or deny variance applications. The ZBA balances the hardship to the application, the community and other persons of not granting the variance against the adverse impact on the health, safety and welfare of persons affected, the adverse impact on the property affected and any other adverse impacts of granting the special variance.