Attention: Developers and Contractors

Before commencing a construction activity, the owner or operator of a construction project, that will involve soil disturbance of one or more acres must obtain coverage under the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity.

In order to obtain coverage you must have obtained the Village’s approval (MS4 Acceptance) of your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and the required Notice of Intent (NOI) for your project and have filed with the NYS DEC.

Note: The NYS Department of Conservation’s Stormwater General Permit for Construction Activity requires:

  • All developers, contractors and subcontractors to identify at least one trained individual from their company who will be responsible for implementation of the SWPPP.
  • That at least one trained individual be on site when soil disturbance activities are being performed.  *1
  • That all developers, contractors and sub-contractors sign the SWPPP required certifications.
  • See the General Permit and your SWPPP for additional requirements.

See also the NYS DEC’s website for Stormwater Permit for Construction Activities details.

*1 Qualified inspectors and trained individuals must have 4 hours of training in the principles and practices of Erosion and Sediment   Control Endorsed by NYS DEC; SWCD or CPESC inc. Training is good for 3 years.